Catch Report - Kingston Seymour - 2nd September 2020 (0)

Date From: 02/09/2020 18:15:00

Date To: 02/09/2020 22:30:00

Time of day: Evening

Location: Kingston Seymour

Mark: Flood defence wall

Low Tide:

Tide DateHigh or LowHeight TimeHeight
02/09/2020 low 01:18:00 1.00
02/09/2020 high 07:48:00 11.50
02/09/2020 low 13:37:00 1.03
02/09/2020 high 20:06:00 11.93

Moon Phase:

Moon DateMoon PhaseIllumination
02/09/2020 Full Moon 100%

Weather: Cloudy with a variable wind from behind.


Sun DateSunriseSunset
02/09/2020 06:28:00 19:54:00

Sea: Murky and choppy with a small swell

Method: Ledger (Shop bought 2 hook sole rig with rotten bottom) | Ledger (Shop bought Up and Over rig with rotten bottom)

Bait: Live ragworm | frozen whole launce, frozen whole loligo squid


FishQtyLbsOzDrmBaitDate and Time CaughtWeighed or GuessedSetup

The Session:

I wanted to give this mark another go and because of the wind direction on this evening and the fairly big tides I thought it would be an ideal day. It was further along from where I fished before as several cars occupied all the parking area when I got there and so I drove to the next access path with a parking spot near it.


I thought I was late because I was delayed en-route so when I walked out of the lane and onto the grassed area I was surprised to se there was still mud for a hundred yards or so. I looked down to the area I fished before and I could make out the other anglers setting up and saw that the water had reached the wall down there, so I guess there is more fishing time from that area. I took some time to decided where exactly to fish from and I opted to have a couple of casts from the grassy area which was accessible for a fair length of the wall as it would help me gain about 10 yards in distance.


As the water was almost at my feet I cast out the first rod, which I intended to try for a Sole, which is a species I've not caught before. I put on two ragworm and aimed it between some large tufts of grass that I saw before they were covered by the rising tide. It was about 50 yards out. The second rod I baited with a single Launce and put that as far as I could which was around 60 yards. It was just a case of waiting for a while then.


It felt a bit weird with the sea rushing in so fast causing such a large expanse of mud disappear underwater in no time and go past me a bit until it got to the wall and began to rise and it seemed no time at all before I had to move back onto the wall as the sea then began covering the grassy area. I had cast both rods twice more by that point and all I had was a single small jolt of the Sole rig rod to signal any presence of fish.


Once I had moved back and recast again I took a few photographs of the area with the tide almost fully in. It was just coming over the defence wall every now and again so at least I had an idea on the size of tide that would flood over it. That is about all I could take away from the session though as I had no other activity at all, I changed baits on the big bait rod but still had nothing. At one point I looked over to the grassy area I was sat on and saw it was clear of water again, and then in no time at all there was mud appearing at the bottom of the wall. I took that as a signal to pack up. I don't know if I will return here but I may try further along where I was last year in the future so if I can't get there again I will have to make a decision on the day to come back here and make the most of it, ot just go back home.

Tackle used (price) [ time since first used ]:

Tackle Usedsetupsid
Rod: Daiwa, Seahunter X, 14ft, 3 piece, Fixed Spool, £60.00, 27-05-2018
Reel: Lineaeffe, Tiger 870, Fixed Spool, £16.00, 01-05-2020
Mainline: Free with reel, 30lbShockleader: Rovex, Surf clear, 60lb, 150m, , £7.99
Rod: Daiwa seahunter Z 13ft 2 piece MFS (£42.99) [ > 2 years 9 months ]
Reel: Lineaeffe Tiger 870 Fixed Spool (£17.00) [ > 1 years 4 months ]
Line: 30lb, free with reel
Hooks: shop bought rig, size 4/0
Shockleader: Rovex Surf clear 60lb (£7.99) 150m
Hooklength: shop bought rig, 40lb
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