Catch Report - Porlock-Bay - 25th July 2020 (0)

Date From: 25/07/2020 13:45:00

Date To: 25/07/2020 19:00:00

Time of day: Afternoon - evening

Location: Porlock-Bay

Mark: Left hand side of weir

Low Tide:

Tide DateHigh or LowHeight TimeHeight
25/07/2020 low 04:10:00 1.37
25/07/2020 high 10:36:00 9.82
25/07/2020 low 16:23:00 1.44
25/07/2020 high 22:52:00 9.89

Moon Phase:

Moon DateMoon PhaseIllumination
05/07/2020 Waxing Crescent 27%

Weather: Cloudy with some rain at the beginning but becoming brigther later. Varying wind from behind.


Sun DateSunriseSunset
25/07/2020 05:30:00 21:11:00

Sea: Choppy but a small swell. Murky close in and patchy murky and clear further out.

Method: Ledger (shop bought pulley rig with rotten bottom) | Ledger (shop bought pulley rig with rotten bottom)

Bait: Frozen whole large sandeel | frozen peeler crab, frozen whole loligo squid


FishQtyLbsOzDrmBaitDate and Time CaughtWeighed or GuessedSetup

The Session:

I returned to Porlock weir due to losing a very good fish in a previous session and believing I could have another chance to hook a good fish and this time land it with a slight change in my setup.


I set up around the same area I was before and with the same rods. This time though I opted for plain leads because the tidal pull is actually not very big here and I believed they would hold. I tried 4oz ones first and after I cast the first rod around 70 yards and wound in the slack line it was confirmed that the weights would not be pulled by the tidal pull.


It didn't stop me getting snagged a few times and losing some tackle though but now I was sure that both of the types of rotten bottom clips I was using were not allowing the weight to unclip when hitting the water. I had several casts where it was still clipped on when I reeeld in to check the bait so I was sure it was happening all the time.


Over the session I had two moments where one of the rod tips bent over quite sharply but that was all the movement. It could have been a fish swimming into the line and becoming spooked as my bait was almost perfectly intact when I reeled in to check it. So I was unable to full see if plain leads would work better than grip leads and I have pencilled in another trip in the future.


I didn't see any other anglers catching either so there wasn't much I could have done I suppose.

Tackle used (price) [ time since first used ]:

Set up 1:


Set up 2:


Set up 3:


Set up 4:


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