Catch Report - Ilfracombe - 14th May 2020 (1)

Date From: 14/05/2020 17:50:00

Date To: 14/05/2020 21:30:00

Time of day: Evening

Location: Ilfracombe

Mark: Capstone Rocks

Low Tide:

Tide DateHigh or LowHeight TimeHeight
14/05/2020 low 05:25:00 2.77
14/05/2020 high 11:54:00 6.97
14/05/2020 low 17:50:00 3.17

Moon Phase:

Moon DateMoon PhaseIllumination
14/05/2020 Last Quarter 51%

Weather: Mostly clear sky and no wind but quite cold


Sun DateSunriseSunset
14/05/2020 05:25:00 21:00:00

Sea: Fairly clear, flat with a small swell changing to a larger swell and waves later on.

Method: Float | Float

Bait: Frozen mackerel strips | Frozen medium sandeel


FishQtyLbsOzDrmBaitDate and Time CaughtWeighed or GuessedSetup
Conger Eel 1 1 8   Frozen Medium Sandeel 14/05/2020 20:55:00 guessed 2

The Session:

Like many fishermen, this was my first session since the latest Coronavirus pandemic and I settled upon a casual float fishing session from my favourite easy-access rock mark.


I just planned to fish two float rods, one with mackerel strips, expecting to catch pollock and another changing between sandeel and peeler crab, expecting a slim chance of a larger pollock, bass or wrasse. When I arrived the sea and air conditions weren't perfect but managable. When I first cast teh mackerel bait out there was a fast tidal pull to the right so it was very much like trotting in a small river. I had the depth set at around 12 feet deep and so I was casting to where I felt the bait would be just further than a visible line of rock and kelp, around 25 yards. I had many casts and the tidal pull changed direction and then slowed to a virtual standstill before pulling back in the original direction. It usually does this changing here but it seemed a stronger pull today.


It took so long before I had any bites and then it was two and I missed them both! Then as there became more water at my feet I set up another rod and began casting out a Sandeel too at the same distance and depth. As I was able to drop the baits a bit closer in they would more or less stay still in the tide. I found I was occasionally catching the rocks or weed and was about to go a bit shallower when the rod with Sandeel showed odd movement of the float and I decided to strike to check if it was a fish. Something pulled back immediately and I hoped it would be a Bass but then as it continued to be a steady pull back, rather than a dive and shake of the head I was confused as to what it was and then it suddenly just gave up and as it surfaced I saw it was a Conger Eel. I risked lifing it up using the rod and line despite it bending the rod double. The circle hook was just in the front of its mouth so it was easy to remove.


I took a picture and guessed the weight at around 1.5lb and then returned it. I didn't have any more bites and packed up a bit earlier than planned due to the increasing size of the swell and waves which were already splashing over 10 feet high. Not the busy session I had hoped but it was my first Conger Eel on the float.

Tackle used (price) [ time since first used ]:

Tackle Usedsetupsid
Rod: Shakespeare Omni Mackerel 10ft 2 piece Fixed Spool (£17.95) [ > 5 years 10 months ]
Reel: Lineaffe Carp 60 Baitrunner Fixed Spool (£12.00) [ > 3 years 9 months ]
Line: Maxima Chameleon 20lb (£17.99) 600m
Hooks: Sakuma Circle 440 4 (£9.24) 50
Hooklength: Maxima Clear 15lb (£4.00) 100m
Rod: Shakespeare Omni Mackerel 10ft 2 pieces Fixed Spool (£20.00) [ > 1 years 10 months ]
Reel: Leeda Icon 5000 Fixed spool (£35.18) [ > 6 years 4 months ]
Line: Maxima Chameleon 20lb (£17.99) 600m
Hooks: Sakuma Circle 440 2 (£10.50) 50
Hooklength: Maxima Clear 15lb (£4.00) 100m

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