Catch report - Ilfracombe - 19th September 2014 (8)

Date: 19/09/2014

Time of day: Evening - night

Location: Ilfracombe

Mark: The pier

Low Tide: 09:18(3.20m) 22:01(2.90m)

High Tide: 03:11(6.80m) 15:46(7.20m)

Time fished from: 18:25

Time fished to: 23:10

Weather: Some sunshine and clouds. Not much wind at all. Stayed warm enough to be comfortable over the session.

Sea: Varying swell up to a couple of foot, maximum.

Method: Running ledger (rotten bottom) | float

Bait: Mackerel segments, frozen lug worm | mackerel strips

Caught (weight): 1 Dab (0lbs 2oz, Guessed) | 1 Pollack (0lbs 4oz, Guessed), 2 Pollack (0lbs 6oz, Guessed), 4 Pollack (0lbs 8oz, Guessed)

The Session: I arrived just as the lower pier was clear of water from the tide going out. I set up 2 ledgering rods and fished the lug worm baited one with a gentle throw and the mackerel segment baited one with a much harder cast. Then I set up the float rod about 10ft deep. I did not have to wait too long for the first pollock to bite and each of them took the bait in the usual manner, causing the float to go sharply under. I caught the dab on the rod baited with lug worm and despite getting more bites the only other fish I connected with stayed on for several seconds before leaving me kicking myself when I saw the reason for losing the fish was because the hook knot came untied. It felt like a good fish too. Shortly after this loss I had the final fish of the night, a pollock on the float at around 22:50. I then lost the lead weight and hook on the mackerel baited ledger rod and decided to pack up.

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