Catch Report - Ilfracombe - 2nd October 2019 (6)

Date From: 02/10/2019 18:40:00

Date To: 02/10/2019 21:10:00

Time of day: Evening

Location: Ilfracombe

Mark: The Pier

Low Tide:

Tide DateHigh or LowHeight TimeHeight
02/10/2019 low 02:52:00 0.61
02/10/2019 high 09:10:00 9.53
02/10/2019 low 15:07:00 0.80
02/10/2019 high 21:29:00 9.37

Moon Phase:

Moon DateMoon PhaseIllumination
02/10/2019 Waxing Crescent 19%

Weather: Cloudy but sunny with a small amount of wind, but feeling cold.


Sun DateSunriseSunset
02/10/2019 07:19:00 18:52:00

Sea: Fairly murky and choppy with a swell of around 3 feet

Method: float

Bait: Frozen mackerel strips


FishQtyLbsOzBaitDate and Time CaughtWeighed or GuessedSetup
Pollock 1 0 8 frozen mackerel strip 02/10/2019 18:42:00 guessed 1
Pollock 1 0 4 frozen mackerel strip 02/10/2019 18:54:00 guessed 1
Coalfish 1 0 8 frozen mackerel strip 02/10/2019 19:09:00 guessed 1
Pollock 1 0 13 frozen mackerel strip 02/10/2019 19:21:00 guessed 1
Pollock 1 0 3 frozen mackerel strip 02/10/2019 19:47:00 guessed 1
Pollock 1 0 6 frozen mackerel strip 02/10/2019 19:54:00 guessed 1

The Session:

A friend of mine was on holiday and this was really the only ideal break in the poor weather we had in the week so we had a quick session float fishing from the pier.


We both began with the depths set at around 14 feet deep and dropped the bait just a couple of feet from the edge of the pier and let the tow take the floats where it wanted to. I had a bite very quickly from a nice sized pollock and my friend had one shortly after. There appeared to be quite a few fish around but many of the bites were very quick pulls which were too quick to react to. Eventually though, one fish would take the bait and float under very fast and far and proved impossible to miss. I had another Pollock and then around 15 minutes later landed a Coalfish which was small but possibly the biggest I've caught.


As the tide rose we moved up the steps of the pier and finally along the top. The tide was big so we were not going to take any risks given the size of the swell aswell so we moved in good time. When we were on the upper part of the pier the bites continued to come but we missed most of them because we were talking and because I had not brought a head torch so we were using my firneds handheld torch to light the floats up, which was not easy as the sea kept moving them so they were far apart. I played around with the depth of the float from around 20 feet down to 6 feet and hooked another 3 Pollock before we moved again into the car park which was calmer but proved to be a mistake as we stood for around 50 minutes without any more fish.


We packed up when it began feeling very cold and had 10 fish in all, which wasn't bad considering we were fishing for just over 2 hours.

Tackle used (price) [ time since first used ]:

Tackle Usedsetupsid
Rod: Shakespeare Omni Mackerel 10ft 2 pieces Fixed Spool (£20.00) [ > 1 year 2 months ]
Reel: Leeda Icon 5000 Fixed spool (£35.18) [ > 5 years 9 months ]
Line: Maxima Chameleon 20lb (£17.99) 600m
Hooks: Sakuma Circle 440 4 (£9.24) 50
Hooklength: Maxima Clear 15lb (£4.00) 100m

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