Catch report - Ilfracombe - 4th September 2014 (4)

Date: 04/09/2014

Time of day: Evening

Location: Ilfracombe

Mark: Capstone

Low Tide: 07:20(3.10m) 20:15(2.90m)

High Tide: 01:04(7.10m) 13:55(7.20m)

Time fished from: 17:45

Time fished to: 21:15

Weather: Sunny / breezy

Sea: fairly clear sea with increasing swell after the tide turned.

Method: Running Ledger | Float

Bait: Mackerel segments, frozen peeler crab | mackerel strips

Caught (weight): 1 Dogfish (1lbs 0oz, Guessed), 1 Dogfish (1lbs 8oz, Guessed) | 2 Pollack (0lbs 4oz, Guessed)

The Session: Casting the rod with mackerel bait around 80 yards or so straight out and the rod with crab bait around 50 yards. The float rod was cast about four rod lengths out. Both Pollock were caught on the float rod just as the light started fading and the dogfish were caught on the ledger rod, using mackerel.

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